Monday, January 15, 2007

There was a tree, young but strong, standing with his head high on the bank of a clear stream of water. Winds came and went, storms came and went but the tree was not shattered.

The tree, with the branches spread, was a place for solace for birds. Crows used to sit, talking in the harsh words. Singing birds used to come and sing for each other. Harsh words came and went, songs came and went but the tree was not shattered.

One day came the little birdy, and asked the Tree, "You support these birds, giving solace to their tired hearts, they sing for each other but who sings for you?"

"No one sings for me", said the Tree.

Every evening after that, Little Birdy used to sit on the tree, alone, singing his heart.

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed, Little Birdy continued to sing alone sitting on the branch!

One day, Little Birdy asked the tree, "Have you heard my song?". About to answer the question, the Tree saw little babies of Crow sleeping on his branch. Fearing that his words will steal the sleep from the little eyes, Tree did not utter a word.

Not getting the answer from the Tree, Little Birdy left the branch and never sang again. Little Birdy left the branch and the young, strong Tree was shattered.


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